Considering Eastern Christian School? Join us at an upcoming open house event or take a personal tour! Register Online
Do you remember the exact moment when you were first able to read fluently? Not likely, but ask any early childhood education teacher and they can tell you inspiring story after story about witnessing that moment when a student’s face lights up with recognition that s/he can read.
In early childhood education we have labeled this event “Readiness.” Eastern Christian School like many other schools assesses 5 year-olds eligible for Kindergarten with a “Kindergarten Readiness” assessment. But, what exactly is “Readiness” and how do we recognize the signs that indicate readiness to learn a new skill or concept?
On Thursday evening, January 9, and once again on Friday morning, January 10, Dr. Milt Uecker an internationally known Early Childhood Education expert and consultant will be presenting a workshop about how developmentally appropriate learning activities enhance student cognitive readiness to learn. The design of the workshop presentation will allow for ample time for parent questions.
Mark your calendar for 7:30 p.m. Thursday, January 9, or 8:45 a.m. Friday, January 10, so that you do not miss this important and informative workshop for parents of Preschool and elementary school students.